NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Sequenom will move its laboratory operations in Grand Rapids, Michigan to its facility in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina, the company said today.
Sequenom's cystic fibrosis carrier screen test, which previously ran out of its Grand Rapids lab, will now be performed in the North Carolina location. In addition, as part of the consolidation, the firm said it would discontinue its SensiGene Fetal RHD test.
"The expansion of our North Carolina laboratory operations to include our HerediT CF carrier screen test will enable us to continue to provide high-quality and meaningful test offerings to physicians and their patients while continuing to build value for our shareholders," Sequenom President and CEO William Welch said in a statement.
The company decided to discontinue the SensiGene Fetal RHD test, which it began offering in 2010, because it has not contributed substantially to its revenues. Sequenom said it would reintroduce the test if medical committees issued guidelines in support of broader use and reimbursement.
Sequenom said it would provide transition services and outplacement assistance to affected employees.