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Roche Buys Tissue Dissection Technology from AvanSci Bio

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Roche Diagnostics today announced it has signed a definitive Asset Purchase Agreement with AvanSci Bio for all products associated with the high-performance microdissection of slide mounted tissue sections.

The system comprises instrumentation, software, and consumables used by researchers and clinicians to extract specific areas of tissue for subsequent molecular analysis including real-time PCR, microarrays, and sequencing.

Financial and other details of the agreement were not disclosed.

AvanSci Bio's technology includes the automated MilliSect dissection instrument, which will be tested at customer sites in 2015. The MilliSect system enables a greater than 90 percent tumor enriched sample for molecular analysis, the firm said in a statement.

"This innovative system will expand our diagnostic tool kit allowing us to link the diagnostic hematoxylin and eosin stain with sequencing analysis through high-quality sample preparation," Dan Zabrowski, head of Roche Tissue Diagnostics and Sequencing Solutions, said in a statement.