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Repositive Partners With Xpressomics to Improve Genomic Data Platform

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Repositive announced today that it has signed a deal with gene expression data search engine Xpressomics to give Repositive users access to Xpressomics' data repositories.

Repositive, which is developing tools to improve access to human genomic research data, will use Xpressomics' data collections to improve its own genomic data access platform, which is currently in beta testing. Much of the raw data collected by Xpressomics have yet to be published, Repositive said. It pulls data from public data sets such as GEO, Array Express, the Japanese Toxicogenomic Project, Connectivity Map, and Drug Matrix.

"The addition of the Xpressomics collection of curated and high-quality expression data further increases the number of searchable data repositories on the Repositive platform, making Repositive the one-stop portal for finding and accessing human genomic data from across the world," Repositive said in a statement.

Terms of the deal were not disclosed.

In October, Repositive signed a similar deal with GigaScience, an open-access journal and repository, to offer researchers access to biomedical research datasets from GigaScience via its data discovery platform.