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Qiagen, NeoGenomics Partner to Expedite CDx Commercialization

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Qiagen and NeoGenomics said on Friday that they have inked a master service agreement designed to expedite the development and launch of companion diagnostics with pharmaceutical partners.

Under the terms of the partnership, Qiagen will provide investigational-use-only tests to NeoGenomics and other labs "enabling them to verify, set up, and run our companion diagnostics in clinical trials and in anticipation of regulatory approval," Qiagen CEO Peer Schatz said in a statement.

NeoGenomics will be able to promote the companion diagnostic services nationally beginning with US Food and Drug Administration clearance, "facilitating the rapid adoption of innovative targeted therapies which can deliver meaningful benefits to patients," Schatz said.

The master service agreement provides a flexible framework with multiple options for co-development, verification, setup, and launch of new companion diagnostics, including next-generation sequencing tests, for biomarker profiling paired with new targeted drugs, the companies said.

Financial terms were not disclosed.