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PreludeDx, GenesisCare Partner to Increase Access to Breast Cancer Testing

NEW YORK – PreludeDx announced on Monday that it has partnered with cancer care provider GenesisCare to expand access to its DCISionRT precision medicine test for women with breast cancer.

Under the partnership, DCISionRT testing will be made available in Australia, where GenesisCare is headquartered, and patient access will be expanded in the US through GenesisCare's network of cancer centers. The agreement also includes research programs to continue developing precision medicine tests for breast and other cancers using real-world evidence, PreludeDx said in a statement. GenesisCare will establish a global registry to evaluate DCISionRT's impact on treatment decision making for women with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). 

Financial and other terms of the deal were not disclosed.

PreludeDx's DCISionRT test is for use in women with DCIS or stage 0 breast cancer who are treated with breast-conserving surgery. It determines a woman's 10-year risk of recurrence of DCIS or development of invasive breast cancer and provides predictive information about recurrence risk to help clinicians select patients who could benefit from radiation therapy in addition to surgery, PreludeDx said. The firm's laboratory is CLIA-certified and accredited by the College of American Pathology. 

"This test levels the diagnostic playing field for DCIS patients and will empower physicians and patients to make better informed decisions about treatment options based on a patient's individual biological risk profile," GenesisCare's Global CMO Wally Curran said in a statement.