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People in the News: Caris Life Sciences, New England Biolabs, Karius, Tempus

Caris Life Sciences: Brian Lamon

Caris Life Sciences has appointed Brian Lamon as its chief business officer and head of biopharma business development. Lamon brings over 15 years of experience from large pharma and academia to the firm. He previously worked for Bristol Myers Squibb as a VP and development lead. Prior to that, he held several leadership roles in clinical development and business development for the same company.

Before joining industry, Lamon was assistant dean of research development and an assistant professor in the department of pathology and laboratory medicine at Weill Medical College of Cornell University in New York. He remains active on the faculty through a courtesy appointment as assistant professor.

New England Biolabs: Donald Comb

New England Biolabs founder Donald Comb has died. He founded NEB, one of the first biotechnology firms to commercialize restriction enzymes, in 1974 and served as its CEO until 2005, after which he remained chairman of the board of directors. Prior to NEB, he was a faculty member at Harvard Medical School. Comb held a PhD in biochemistry from the University of Michigan.

Karius: Alexander Ford

Karius has appointed Alexander (Alec) Ford as CEO. Ford most recently served as chief operating officer of Myriad Genetics. He will replace current CEO Mickey Kertesz, who will transition to the roles of president and chief product officer.

Tempus: Christopher Mason

Christopher Mason is planning to take a leave of absence from his post as associate professor in the department of physiology and biophysics at Weill Cornell Medicine to work on COVID-19 testing, including at Tempus, Biotia, and labs in Wisconsin and New York City. Chicago-based Tempus said in June that Mason has joined the firm as VP of emerging genome technology. He holds a PhD in genetics from Yale University and a dual BS degree in genetics and biochemistry from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

For additional recent items on appointments and promotions in omics and molecular diagnostics, please see the People in the News page on our website.

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