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OncoDNA Inks Exclusive Distribution Deal with BioSequence

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Belgium-based OncoDNA today announced it has reached a distribution agreement with BioSequence, a Spanish personalized cancer genomics firm.

Under the terms of the agreement, BioSequence will become the exclusive Spanish distributor of OncoDNA's clinical oncology molecular diagnostics. OncoDNA offers OncoDeep Dx, which links specific genes to targeted cancer treatments, as well as other clinical cancer panels to measure translocations and protein presence and activity.

"BioSequence is a partner of choice to improve OncoDeep's use and awareness in Spain," Michäel Herman, OncoDNA's business development manager, said in a statement.

"We were very impressed by the OncoShare web platform," which offers clinicians clinically relevant interpretations of tumors sequencing results, said Adriana Terrádez, BioSequence's business development manager.

OncoDNA is affiliated with the Institute of Pathology and Genetics in Belgium.

In September 2014, OncoDNA signed an exclusive distribution deal in Greece with Istomedica.