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New Products Posted to GenomeWeb This Week: Thermo Fisher, Agilent, Fluidigm, and More

Thermo Fisher Scientific Applied Biosystems Precision ID GlobalFiler NGS STR Panel v2, Converge Software 2.0
Thermo Fisher Scientific has released the Applied Biosystems Precision ID GlobalFiler NGS STR Panel v2 and Converge Software 2.0 for forensic research. The products are designed to retrieve more information from mixed, degraded, or limited DNA samples. The new panel works with the Ion Chef system for library and template preparation and the Ion S5 and Ion S5 XL sequencing systems. It targets expanded core loci from the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS), with additional multi-allelic STR markers, including Penta D and Penta E, and sex determination markers. The new software module is required to generate profiles from the panel. It provides information on length-based STR allele calls, sequence-based repeat motifs, known SNPs in flanking regions, and isometric heterozygotes.

Agilent Technologies SureSelectXT HS NGS Library Prep

Agilent Technologies has launched the Agilent SureSelectXT HS, its newest next-generation sequencing library prep product. SureSelectXT HS provides total workflow management for laboratories, from QC to target enrichment, analysis, and interpretation, the company said. It's optimized for labs with a requirement to sequence DNA from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded samples, which may have degraded over time. SureSelectXT HS also incorporates molecular barcodes, improving overall precision and producing high complexity libraries on a broad range of tissue types and low- and high-quality FFPE samples. SureSelectXT HS libraries require as little as 10 ng of starting DNA, and use molecular barcodes to assist error correction. Additionally, faster and more efficient processing with master-mixed reagents that require less hands-on time, coupled with a 90-minute hybridization enables labs to now move from sample to sequencer in a single day.

Fluidigm Advanta Immuno-Oncology Gene Expression Assay

Fluidigm has launched the Advanta Immuno-Oncology Gene Expression Assay, a research-use-only qPCR assay that enables interrogation of tumor immunobiology using Fluidigm's microfluidic technology. Designed for use with the Biomark HD system, the assay detects 170 gene expression markers involved in checkpoint therapeutic response from FFPE and fresh frozen tumor samples. The assay can analyze biomarkers across defined T cell subsets, immune regulation, immune cell fate, cytokines, chemokines, and more, and can enable translational researchers to accelerate the development of checkpoint immunotherapies and to identify predictive biomarker signatures for therapeutic response.

Fluidigm said that the product is available as a two-panel set. The first panel includes 91 key markers of tumor immune response that were previously shown in a multicenter international clinical trial to inform tumor progression and checkpoint therapeutic response. The second panel includes 74 additional immuno-oncology markers and 17 open assay inlets for additional customization. Both panels contain the same five reference genes and can be purchased and used together or separately.

For more new products and services, please visit the New Products page on our website.

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