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New Products Posted to GenomeWeb: Thermo Fisher Scientific, Qiagen, ATCC, DNAStar, More

Thermo Fisher Scientific dPCR Wastewater Surveillance Kit 

Thermo Fisher Scientific has released the Applied Biosystems Absolute Q Sars-CoV-2 Wastewater Surveillance Kit. Designed for streamlined dPCR wastewater surveillance, the kit contains the triplex Absolute Q Sars-CoV-2 wastewater surveillance assay and the Absolute Q 1-Step RT-dPCR master mix. The company said the RT-dPCR master mix, which is optimized for multiplexing, eliminates upstream cDNA conversion steps for quantitative RNA analysis, saving time and resources.

Qiagen-ATCC Cell Line Land Database

Qiagen and biological materials organization ATCC have launched ATCC Cell Line Land, a database codeveloped by the companies that offers manually curated sequencing data for standardized, authenticated, and reproducible cell lines. It is intended to enable biopharma researchers to access genomic information for the most popular ATCC cell lines, primary cell lines, and tissues for use in their preclinical experiments without resorting to lengthy and costly sequencing, Qiagen said. ATCC Cell Line Land also provides detailed information about actual lots of cell lines stored in ATCC's biorepository, guaranteeing each sample's provenance and quality, Qiagen added.

DNAStar Lasergene 17.4 Software

DNAStar has released version 17.4 of its Lasergene software for DNA, RNA, and protein sequencing assembly and analysis. The latest release features updates to the company's sequence editing and sequence assembly applications. Notably, MegAlign Pro, a component of the Lasergene Molecular Biology package, now includes the ability to compute and analyze variants for multiple sequence alignments.

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