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New Products Posted to GenomeWeb: Thermo Fisher, Omega Bio-tek, Anitoa, Almaden Genomics, SpeeDx

Thermo Fisher Scientific KingFisher Apex Dx system and Applied Biosystems MagMax Dx Isolation Kit

Thermo Fisher Scientific has launched the KingFisher Apex Dx system and Applied Biosystems MagMax Dx Isolation Kit. Thermo Fisher said the KingFisher Apex Dx platform is an automated nucleic acid purification instrument, and the MagMax Dx Isolation Kit is for the isolation and purification of viral and bacterial pathogens from respiratory biological specimens. Together, these two products provide laboratories with in vitro diagnostic (IVD)- and in vitro diagnostic regulation (IVDR)-approved automated sample preparation solutions for clinical laboratories.

Omega Bio-tek MagBinder Fit24

Omega Bio-tek has launched the MagBinder Fit24. The instrument uses coordinated magnetic rods to pick up, transfer, and release magnetic particles within reagent cartridge wells for automated DNA and RNA purification. It enables purification from a variety of sample types, including high- and low-volume blood, tissue, saliva, swabs, and plasma samples. The Fit24 works with Mag-Bind kits as well as with specially designed MB Fit24 cartridges, and it comes with preloaded protocols for optimal nucleic acid purification. Prefilled kits available include MB Fit24 cfDNA Kit and MB Fit24 Blood & Tissue DNA Kit with additional kits to be released in the future.

Anitoa MAx16 qPCR

Anitoa has launched MAx16 qPCR, an automation-ready real-time PCR system.

The fully integrated MAx16 has four fluorescence channels, 16-well capacity, and a thermal cycler capable of performing RT-PCR in 30 minutes. The system is compact and rugged and does not require calibration due to the solid-state design of its optics. 

The MAx16 facilitates automation via an electrically actuated heat lid, compact size, digital interface to an automation system controller, and support of communication protocols over controller area network bus or USB links. 

Almaden Genomics G.nome

Almaden Genomics has updated its G.nome software, which can now process, analyze, and visualize single-cell RNA-seq data. Specifically, it now includes features for alignment and quantification of gene expression per cell, Seurat clustering analysis, reference-based cell type annotation, and built-in parallelization.

SpeeDx EntericPlex RUO Assays

SpeeDx has launched three EntericPlex research-use-only assays: EntericPlex Parasite, EntericPlex Bacteria I, and EntericPlex Bacteria II. Each single-well, multiplexed qPCR/nucleic acid amplification assay detects up to five common bacterial or parasite targets, the company said. The assays are available globally, and the company ships to North America, Europe, the UK, and Australia, a company spokesperson said.

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