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New Products Posted to GenomeWeb: Standard BioTools, Cellecta, Codex DNA

Standard BioTools X9 Real-Time PCR System

Standard BioTools, formerly known as Fluidigm, has launched the X9 Real-Time PCR System. The automated benchtop microfluidics-based system can perform 9,000 individual nanoliter reactions in a single run, generating up to 46,080 data points per eight-hour shift. The X9 System integrates Standard BioTools' proprietary microfluidics technology, which can reduce experimental costs while accommodating different applications and chemistries. It also has the ability to mix and match assays with up to 96 targets and is particularly suited for use in agricultural genomics and clinical research labs.

Cellecta DriverMap Adaptive Immune Receptor TCR and BCR Kits

Cellecta has launched the DriverMap Adaptive Immune Receptor T-cell receptor and B-cell receptor kits for immune profiling. The multiplex PCR-based sample preparation assays for next-generation sequencing can profile up to seven TCR and BCR chains from the same sample. They work with multiple sample types, including whole blood, tissue biopsies, and formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded samples. Cellecta also offers DriverMap AIR as a service.

Codex DNA BioXp Error-Corrected Libraries Kits

Codex DNA has released the BioXp Error-corrected Libraries kits, allowing users to automate DNA variant library synthesis on the BioXp automated synthetic biology workstation. According to Codex DNA, the BioXp system builds high-fidelity combinatorial DNA libraries of customer-specific sequence variants overnight with the push of a button. The company's proprietary error correction technology and amplification method can produce DNA libraries of purified sequence variants ready for downstream research applications such as cloning, screening, or selection. The BioXp system can build DNA libraries of up to 64 million variants per well.

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