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New Products Posted to GenomeWeb: Sciex, Shimadzu, Olink Proteomics, More

Sciex Echo MS System
Sciex has launched the Echo MS System, which harnesses proprietary acoustic ejection mass spectrometry technology with an open port interface for high-throughput workflows and molecule quantification. Echo MS feature can analyze up to three samples per second to deliver quantitative results up to 50 times faster than conventional LC-MS, transforming project timelines from weeks into days while retaining precise, information-rich answers, the company said. In addition, the system offers consistent and precise reproducibility of quantification even in challenging matrices, according to Sciex.
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments LCMS-8060NX Triple Quadrupole LC-MS/MS

Shimadzu Scientific Instruments has launched the LCMS-8060NX triple quadrupole liquid chromatograph mass spectrometer (LC-MS/MS). The system features new ion guides, the UF-Qarray II and the UF-Lens II, to increase robustness while maintaining high ion transmission efficiency. Neutral particles are expelled to reduce noise and provide high stability. A new heat-assist design increases desolvation efficiency and promotes superior ionization of a wide range of compounds. In addition, the system’s UFsweeper technology effectively sweeps ions from the collision cell without deceleration, maintaining high-sensitivity analysis even at high acquisition speeds, Shimadzu said. Consumable parts like the ESI spray needle and the inlet desolvation line can be changed quickly and easily without breaking vacuum, the company noted.
Other features include optimized parameters based on AI research that enable high sensitivity without manual optimization; automated start-up and shutdown (with LabSolutions Connect MRM) for unattended operation; and multiple analytical intelligence functions to further increase workflow efficiency.
Shimadzu also introduced updated LabSolutions LCMS workstation software for total operator support, from analysis to data processing. The LabSolutions Connect/LabSolutions Insight platform supports the entire analysis workflow, including project file management, optimization of MRM and interface parameters, efficient verification of quantitative results, simple method and batch creation, and verification of quantitative results.
Olink Proteomics Olink Explore 1536

Sweden's Olink Proteomics has launched the Olink Explore 1536, a multiplex, proximity-extension immunoassay with next-generation sequencing readout on the Illumina NovaSeq platform. The semi-automated assay can measure more than 1,460 human proteins from less than 3 microliters of plasma or serum, enabling more than 1.35 million protein measurements per week per NGS system. These curated proteins provide coverage of the low-abundance plasma proteome. Olink is offering the assay as a service performed at the firm's labs in Sweden and Boston.
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