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New Products Posted to GenomeWeb: Quadrant Biosciences, InterVenn Biosciences, Macrogen, More

Quadrant Biosciences Clarifi ASD

Quadrant Biosciences has launched Clarifi ASD, an epigenetic test designed to aid in the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder in children 18 months through six year of age. Quadrant said the test is based on regulatory RNAs and microbes in the saliva, and is the result of seven years of research in collaboration with SUNY Upstate Medical University and Penn State College of Medicine.  Clarifi is a prescription-only, laboratory-developed test that is intended to be used as an additional tool to standard practices and only for children with a clinical suspicion of ASD, the company said. It is available in all states except New York.

InterVenn Biosciences OpenPIP Mass Spectrometry Analysis Software

InterVenn Biosciences has made its proprietary mass spectrometry analysis software available for public use. Powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning, OpenPIP reduces the time and cost of integrating and quantifying mass spec data while increasing the quality of output by eliminating observer-based bias. The software is accessed via the Google Cloud Platform and has demonstrated greater than 99 percent concordance with human peak selection, the company said. A publication detailing the specific neural network architecture is currently undergoing peer review.

Macrogen: Northeast Asia Reference Database

Macrogen of Korea has released the Northeast Asian Reference Database (NARD). It includes whole-genome sequencing and genetic variant data for a panel of 1,779 individuals, including 850 Koreans, 384 Mongolians, 396 Japanese, 91 Chinese, and 58 Hong Kong residents, making it the largest reference panel representing those countries, according to the company. Macrogen expects the database will help improve the accuracy of imputation in genome-wide association studies and predict disease based on polygenic risk scores. Early next year, the company plans to release a second reference panel, from 10,000 individuals.

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