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New Products Posted to GenomeWeb: New England Biolabs, Becton Dickinson, Biotium, More

New England Biolabs NEBNext Immune Sequencing Kits

New England Biolabs has launched the NEBNext Immune Sequencing Kits, designed for sequencing full-length immune gene repertoires of B and T cells. The kits enable somatic mutation profiling of these cells via the expression of complete antibody chains. They include modular primer sets for the complete V, D, and J segments; full isotype information analysis covering IgM, IgD, IgG, IgA, and IgE; and TCR chain characterization. They also include a bioinformatic workflow using the Galaxy platform, based on the open-source pRESTO toolkit. Users may convert PCR copies derived from individual molecules into consensus sequences via template-switching Unique Molecular Identifier-based mRNA barcoding.

Becton Dickinson FACSymphony A1 Cell Analyzer 

Becton Dickinson has launched a new benchtop cell analyzer called the FACSymphony A1. The compact instrument features the firm's FACSymphony technology and FACSDiva software, as well as optional BD Small Particle Detector technology. It is compatible with BD Horizon dyes and supports workflows detecting up to 16 colors or 19 parameters simultaneously.

Biotium ExoBrite EV Membrane Staining Kits 

Biotium has released its ExoBrite EV Membrane Staining Kits, designed for fluorescent staining of exosomes or extracellular vesicles with little to no background. The stains are validated for flow cytometry but also have potential applications in super-resolution imaging or other exosome-detection platforms, the company said. The kits are available with two-color options for FITC or PE channels. More color options for blue and red channels are coming soon, the company noted. The standard kit will offer 500 labeling reactions while the trial-size kit will offer 100 labeling reactions.

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