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New Products Posted to GenomeWeb: Molecular Instruments, EditCo, Bio-Rad

Molecular Instruments HCR Gold and HCR Pro

Molecular Instruments has launched the HCR Gold and HCR Pro product lines, which expand the company's HCR (hybridization chain reaction) imaging platform to support either manual or automated workflows for fluorescent and chromogenic assays to simultaneously image RNA and proteins.

The HCR platform provides multiplexed, quantitative imaging with single-molecule sensitivity. HCR Gold RNA-FISH manual assays enhance the signal-to-background ratio in diverse sample types, the company said, while 10-plex HCR Gold spectral imaging enables imaging of 10 RNA and/or protein targets in highly autofluorescent samples with simultaneous quantitative signal amplification for all 10 targets, MI said.

The HCR Pro automated product line enables entirely protease-free workflows for chromogenic and fluorescent RNA in situ hybridization in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded and fresh/fixed frozen tissue sections. The protease-free workflow naturally preserves sample morphology and maintains protein target integrity, making them compatible with existing immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence assays, the company said. In addition, 2-Plex HCR Pro enables researchers to simultaneously image two target RNAs plus additional proteins in a single sample, MI said.

EditCo Bio XDel Knockout Cells

EditCo Bio has launched XDel Knockout Cells for CRISPR gene editing research. XDel technology uses a guide RNA (gRNA) design strategy to ensure robust, reliable, and reproducible gene knockout results for functional genomics, disease modeling, and drug development research, EditCo said. Specifically, the technology uses up to three "intelligently coordinated" gRNAs to create efficient and consistent fragment deletions in target genes, ensuring persistent protein depletion and eliminating the variability often encountered with single-guide methods, the company said. The cells are available in a variety of customizable formats, including cell pools, cell clones, and engineered cell libraries.

Bio-Rad Trailblazer Tag and TrailBlazer StarBright Dyes

Bio-Rad has launched its Trailblazer Tag and TrailBlazer StarBright Dye Label Kits, which can be used to label any antibody with StarBright Dyes for use in flow cytometry or fluorescent western blot experiments. Specifically, the two-kit system uses the company's SpyTag and SpyCatcher technology to enable antibody labeling with Bio-Rad's StarBright Blue and StarBright Violet Dyes, the company said.

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