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New Products Posted to GenomeWeb: MGI, Tecan, Qiagen, More

MGI HotMps High-Throughput Sequencing Kit

BGI Group affiliate MGI has launched new commercial sequencing chemistry called HotMps for its DnbSeq-G400 sequencer. Built upon the combinatorial Probe Anchor Synthesis technology proprietary to MGI, HotMps can achieve low error rates, low duplication rates, and low index hopping while being compatible with commonly used library preparation methods, according to MGI. The company said HotMps will be available in certain countries from April 2022. Early-access collaborators have successfully used the chemistry on applications such as whole-genome sequencing, whole-exome sequencing, transcriptome sequencing, and metagenome sequencing, the company added.

Tecan MagicPrep NGS

Tecan has launched the MagicPrep NGS, a fully automated benchtop library preparation system for next-generation sequencing. With liquid handling technology, all-inclusive reagent kits, and an intuitive user interface, the instrument can be set up within 10 minutes and generates eight sequencer-ready libraries with high success rates, the company claimed. The instrument can prepare DNA or mRNA libraries and is compatible with Illumina sequencing platforms.

Qiagen Biomedical Knowledge Base

Qiagen Digital Insights, the bioinformatics division of Qiagen, has introduced Biomedical Knowledge Base, a collection of manually curated data that lists structured biomedical relationships between elements including genes, diseases, functions, targets, drugs, and chemicals to power graph analysis, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other drug discovery applications. Qiagen Biomedical Knowledge Base, which will initially be available in North America, Europe, Japan, and Australia, is the company's first product targeting data scientists.

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