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New Products Posted to GenomeWeb: Meridian Bioscience, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Scipio Bioscience, More

Meridian Bioscience Lyo-Ready Direct DNA, Direct RNA/DNA qPCR Saliva Mixes

Meridian Bioscience has launched two new master mixes to detect DNA and RNA in crude saliva samples: its Lyo-Ready Direct DNA qPCR Saliva Mix and its Lyo-Ready Direct RNA/DNA qPCR Saliva Mix. Both mixes can be used in liquid format or lyophilized and are optimized for use on crudely processed saliva or sputum samples for improved assay sensitivity and flexible protocols. No further optimization is needed beyond the addition of primers and probes.

Bio-Rad Laboratories Exact Diagnostics HBV, HCV, HIV-1 Run Controls

Bio-Rad Laboratories has launched its Exact Diagnostics HBV, HCV, and HIV-1 run controls in Europe. The external quality controls are intended to monitor the performance of molecular assays and are calibrated against international standards from the World Health Organization. They consist of whole viruses in an EDTA plasma matrix to simulate clinical patient specimens and have a 36-month shelf life at -20°C. They can also be frozen and thawed multiple times and are stable for five days when stored at 2 to 8°C.

Scipio Bioscience: Asteria

Scipio Bioscience has launched its Asteria single-cell RNA-seq kit in Europe. Asteria relies on a new hydrogel technology to physically isolate cell-bead pairs and to free and capture mRNA from lysed cells. The kit comes with the company's Cytonaut bioinformatics analysis platform, which includes tools for single-cell analysis and data visualization.

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