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New Products Posted to GenomeWeb: Labcorp, Qiagen, Thermo Fisher, GenomSys, More

Labcorp, Qiagen Therascreen KRAS PCR Mutation Analysis

Laboratory Corporation of America has launched Qiagen's Therascreen KRAS PCR Mutation Analysis, a companion diagnostic to identify patients with non-small cell lung cancer who are eligible for treatment with sotorasib (Amgen's Lumakras). The drug and the test were approved by the US Food and Drug Administration in late May. The assay uses a liquid biopsy specimen to identify patients with a specific mutation in the KRAS gene called KRAS G12C and who have received at least one prior systemic therapy. Citing statistics from the American Cancer Society, Labcorp said between 10 and 12 percent of the 228,000 people diagnosed with lung cancer carry the mutation. In 2019, Qiagen joined Labcorp's Day-One lab readiness program to expedite patient access to Qiagen's CDx products following regulatory approval of the tests and associated drugs.

Thermo Fisher Scientific SpeciMAX Saliva Collection Kit

Thermo Fisher Scientific has launched the Thermo Scientific SpeciMAX Saliva Collection Kit to support large-scale research and surveillance programs of SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks and emerging new strains.

While most approved methods for SARS-CoV-2 saliva collection use specialized tubes and buffers for RNA stabilization and virus inactivation, the SpeciMAX Saliva Collection Kit is designed to provide a widely available, cost-effective solution for raw saliva collection to simplify saliva-based testing, the company said. The easy-to-use self-collection kits facilitate clean saliva transfers, reduce risk of cross-contamination when paired with liquid handlers, and fit into viral RNA extraction and direct-to-PCR downstream automation workflows for high-throughput surveillance testing.

The individually packaged and barcoded kits require just 1 mL of saliva and include a funnel and cap to secure the sample for processing. The standardized collection tube size can hold 6 mL of sample volume but requires less refrigeration, incubation, and storage space than other collection kits available on the market, Thermo Fisher added. The company also noted that the kit is currently for research use only and isn't authorized for use in diagnostic procedures.

GenomSys GenomYou App

GenomSys has unveiled GenomYou, an app that supports analysis of genomic data on mobile devices. The app, introduced at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, allows individuals to save genomic data and reports from genomic tests and to order analyses from their phones. Where allowed by law, users can run the analyses themselves on their phones. GenomYou also lets people connect to genomic labs and telecounselors.

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