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New Products Posted to GenomeWeb: General Biologicals, Rhinostics

General Biologicals CellBio FX10, CellBio a2000, and RealQuant AIO

General Biologicals, a Taiwanese in vitro diagnostics manufacturer, has unveiled two CellBio circulating tumor cell (CTC) cancer detection products at the Association for Diagnostics and Laboratory Medicine (formerly the American Association for Clinical Chemistry) annual meeting. The two systems, the CellBio FX10 and CellBio a2000 both use GBC's proprietary iFiltration technology. Among claimed advantages, the firm cites detection from 7.5-mL blood samples with high specificity, sensitivity, and cancer capture rate, with a 90-minute turnaround time. The CellBio FX10 can work with 10 samples at a time with a full-color touch screen, while CellBio a2000 can detect two samples at a time in small-space labs. 

In addition to CTC systems, GBC also introduced its sample-to-results automated system, GB RealQuant AIO. The system consolidates extraction, amplification, and detection in one integrated instrument, providing results within two hours, and works with all GB RealQuant HBV, HCV, and HPV Kits.

Rhinostics ELEstic/ELEbot Platform

Rhinostics, a Waltham, Massachusetts-based sample collection technology company, has launched the ELEstic swab collection device and ELEbot decapper. ELEstic includes a high-performance swab attached to a cap that screws into a 75-mm by 13-mm tube, the diagnostic industry standard that fits into most of the larger closed molecular testing platforms, Rhinostics said. The ELEbot decapper provides 24-tube automated decapping of swab samples that can be placed upstream of these molecular testing platforms for sample elution and decapping prior to transferring the sample directly into the diagnostics testing system.

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