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New Products Posted to GenomeWeb: ConcertAI, NeoGenomics, Quantum-Si, Alithea Genomics, More

ConcertAI/NeoGenomics CTO-H Software as a Service

ConcertAI and NeoGenomics have launched CTO-H, a joint software-as-a-service solution in hematological malignancies for research analytics, clinical trial design, and clinical trial operational optimization. CTO-H is a highly representative database of more than 370,000 hematological malignancy patients with clinical attributes, surveillance data over seven to 11 years, and biomarker testing results. CTO-H is a result of a collaboration announced by the companies in January 2024. Under the collaboration, ConcertAI will be deploying CTO-H as a SaaS solution within its CARAai cloud. NeoGenomics will provide services relating to the interpretation of specialized biomarkers and testing, and the ability to access specific clinical expertise, the companies said.

Quantum-Si: Protein Barcoding Kit and Platinum Library Prep Kit, V2

Quantum-Si has released its Protein Barcoding Kit to enable multiplexed protein screening using peptide barcodes. The kit is targeted toward applications including optimization of lipid nanoparticles, evaluating mRNA therapeutics, and analyzing protein characteristics and has an overnight workflow that requires less than one hour of hands-on time.

The company also announced the launch of the Platinum Library Prep Kit, V2 for single-molecular protein sequencing. Improvements to the new kit include improved performance, with 85 percent of proteins attempted generating successful libraries and sequencing results; an enhanced workflow that is optimized for a variety of protein conditions and uses fivefold less protein input than V1; and simplified preparation that produces sequencing-ready libraries using standard lab equipment with less than two minutes of hands-on time.

Alithea Genomics Mercurius Full-Length DRUG-Seq Library Prep Technology

Alithea Genomics has launched the Mercurius full-length DRUG-Seq library prep technology, which combines massive sample multiplexing and full transcript coverage in an extraction-free RNA-seq workflow. The technology allows the preparation of Illumina-compatible RNA sequencing libraries for up to 384 samples. The kit enables full-length transcript coverage, as opposed to 3' coverage of the standard DRUG-seq kit, detecting over 40,000 different transcripts at only 4 million reads/sample, reaching similar levels to non-multiplexed gold-standard techniques, the company said. Furthermore, the technology allows the detection of different isoforms, splicing variants, and alternative promoters, Alithea said.

Delve Bio: Delve Detect

Delve Bio has launched Delve Detect, a metagenomic test that can detect more than 68,000 pathogens in cerebrospinal fluid. The company provides labs with CSF transfer kits that can be stored at room temperature and offers overnight shipping with a 48-hour testing turnaround time. Results reporting includes access to Delve's clinical microbial sequencing board, an on-call team of infectious disease experts to review results in clinical context, and metagenomics experts available to discuss test results.

LGC Clinical Diagnostics Seraseq Solid Tumor FFPE DNA Reference Material

LGC Clinical Diagnostics has launched Seraseq Solid Tumor FFPE DNA reference material for assay development, validation, and quality control. It covers 74 variants in 62 genes associated with solid tumors including 37 single-nucleotide variants, 18 deletions, five insertions, and 10 translocations. Of these, 65 variants are targets for US Food and Drug Administration-approved drugs. The material is provided in a lightly fixed FFPE format with variants at clinically relevant allele frequencies.

Oxford Gene Technology SureSeq CLL + CNV V3 Panel

Oxford Gene Technology has launched SureSeq CLL + CNV V3 Panel, an updated next-gen sequencing test for chronic lymphocytic leukemia research that offers more expansive coverage of disease-associated genes and enhanced CNV calling, resulting in more comprehensive variant detection. The new panel includes more targeted genes as well as increased probe density.

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