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New Products Posted to GenomeWeb: Clinical Microbiomics, Integra Biosciences, DNAstack, Bruker

Clinical Microbiomics CHAMP Microbiome Profiler

Copenhagen-based firm Clinical Microbiomics this week introduced the Clinical Microbiomics Human Microbiome Profiler 2.0 (CHAMP), which was built using the company's database of more than 400,000 metagenome assembled genomes collected across nine body sites including the gut, vagina, skin, and mouth. The profiling tool uses the company's proprietary algorithm calibrated across thousands od analyzed samples. In internal benchmarking experiments, CHAMP outperformed MetaPhlAn4 with a 16 percent increase in sensitivity across various human body sites, the company said. It also showed a 400-fold lower false detection signal compared to competing profilers such as MetaPhlAn4, Centrifuge, Kraken, and Bracken, the firm said.

Integra Biosciences Miro Canvas

Integra Biosciences has launched the Miro Canvas digital microfluidics platform for fully automated next-generation sequencing sample preparation. The system uses gentle sample handling to maintain the integrity of high molecular weight DNA and minimizes reagent usage for long-read sequencing library preparation. Miro Canvas can also automate exome and other hybrid capture protocols, and requires only 15 minutes of hands on time per run, the company said. The platform was originally developed by Miroculus, which Integra acquired earlier this year.

DNAstack Omics AI

DNAstack, a Toronto-based bioinformatics firm, has launched Omics AI software for omics and health research. Omics AI is a suite of three software products for creating standards-compliant federated networks and running analyses across them. The "Publisher" component helps maximize the impact of data "wherever it lives," the company said, making it easy to connect, organize, manage access, standardize, and register datasets with networks powered by the Explorer component. Explorer is a federated data portal that provides a unified user experience for finding, accessing, and searching across federated networks, and analyzing them with tools like the third component, Workbench, which enables scientists to run analyses across distributed datasets. This includes the ability to perform federated learning with toolkits like, which train AI/ML models without moving sensitive data between systems. The end-to-end software suite is compliant with GA4GH standards with support for multiple cloud platforms, Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, and Google Cloud, as well as on premises, DNAstack said.

Bruker TIMSquant

Bruker has released its TIMSquant software for quantitation of peptides and proteins on its timsTOF mass spectrometers. The software uses retention time and collision cross-section-based predictions to improve proteomic analyses.

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