Bruker FluoroType Mycobacteria, STI PCR Assays, and MBT Compass HT IVD Software
Bruker has launched the FluoroType Mycobacteria PCR assay to detect the mycobacteria complex and differentiate 32 clinically relevant mycobacteria species from culture using LiquidArray multiplexed PCR technology. The firm also launched the FluoroType STI PCR assay to detect nine targets from seven pathogens causing sexually transmitted infections.
Bruker has also launched software called MBT Compass HT IVD to provide increased speed for microbial identification on the MALDI Biotyper. The software provides a higher sample throughput for the Biotyper and enables multi-instrument support. High-throughput labs can now identify up to 600 samples per hour per instrument, the firm said.
The MALDI Biotyper reference libraries have also been expanded by 393 new species to now cover 4,194 species. This library can be complemented by the MBT Mycobacteria IVD Module covering 182 mycobacterium species, and the MBT IVD Library Extension covering five highly pathogenic species.
Ares Genetics ARESid and ARESiss Express Services
Ares Genetics, a subsidiary of precision medicine company OpGen, is commercially launching global genome sequencing and analysis services, ARESid and ARESiss Express. According to the company, semi-quantitative ARESid enables "accurate and comprehensive" detection and surveillance of bacterial and fungal microbes in a culture-free fashion directly from native patient specimen or environmental samples. ARESiss Express reports include outbreak-relevant information as well as actionable information on antimicrobial resistance pathogens. Sequencing results from both services are accessible to customers via AREScloud, a web application for which the company plans to release a number of new features over the coming months, the company said. Customers can submit orders for both services, which are for research use only, to be performed at Ares Genetics' service laboratory in Vienna, Austria, while US-based sequencing services will be launched later this year.
Purigen Biosystems Ionic Cells to Pure DNA Kit
Purigen Biosystems has launched the new Ionic Cells to Pure DNA kit for white blood cell and peripheral blood mononuclear cell control samples.
It can be used to extract high yields of DNA from samples containing 50,000 to 5 million cells and minimizes the need for sample concentration prior to next-generation sequencing. The kit contains six chips and a reagent set to perform DNA extraction from 48 samples on the Ionic Purification System.
Designed to support customers who work with blood cells as a control for experiments with formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tumor tissue, the kit can be used for other applications such as immune cell analysis, biobank archive DNA, and profiling FACS sorted cells.
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