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New Products Posted to GenomeWeb: BillionToOne, Becton Dickinson, Enzo Biochem, More

BillionToOne Unity sgNIPT

Molecular diagnostics company BillionToOne has launched its fetal antigen single-gene noninvasive prenatal test (sgNIPT) as part of the firm's Unity Screen. The test is used in pregnant patients who are alloimmunized with C, c, D, E, Duffy, or Kell red blood cell antibodies to identify genetic variants that code for corresponding fetal antigens. The test is used at 10 or more weeks of gestation in patients whose doctors suspect are at elevated risk of hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (HDFN).

Becton Dickinson BD Research Cloud

Becton Dickinson has launched the BD Research Cloud, a cloud-based software for cytometry research. The software is an all-in-one platform that bridges and integrates flow cytometry workflow steps to enable reagent panel design, connection of instruments with data-analysis software, storage of experimental data and procedures, and collaboration with colleagues.

Enzo Biochem Ampiview Gene Expression Platform

Enzo Biochem this week launched its Ampiview RNA gene expression platform, which combines the company's LoopRNA in situ hybridization (ISH) technology and targeted, sequence-specific probes. This design enables sensitive and specific detection of target genes in tissue or cell samples while preserving their morphology, marking Enzo's entry into the spatial biology market. Enzo said that its first gene expression products using this platform will be for SARS-CoV-2 and human papillomavirus detection, complementing the company's existing Polyview IHC and Patho-Gene ISH detection platforms.

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