Becton Dickinson OMICS-One XT WTA Assay Kit
Becton Dickinson has launched the BD Omics-One XT WTA Assay whole-transcriptome amplification kit for automated library preparation in single-cell discovery studies.
The robotics-ready kit runs on the Hamilton Microlab NGS STAR automated liquid handling platform. The kit and platform can potentially deliver more consistent single-cell results compared to manual methods while also increasing sample throughput, BD said.
Proteintech Genomics MultiPro Human Discovery Panel
Proteintech Genomics has launched the MultiPro Human Discovery Panel for single-cell multiomics research. The new panel enables scientists to profile 325 proteins alongside whole-transcriptome analysis in single cells. The panel is built on 10x Genomics' Chromium Single Cell Gene Expression Flex chemistry with Feature Barcode technology, allowing researchers to explore proteins located both within the intracellular compartments and on the surface of cells. With 346 antibodies against 325 distinct proteins, the panel offers significant coverage of key cellular components, including transcription factors, cytokines, signaling proteins, and phospho-epitopes. Approximately two-thirds of these protein targets are intracellular, while the remaining third are located on the cell surface, Proteintech said.
Breakthrough Genomics Virtual Geneticist
Breakthrough Genomics has launched a new version of its fully automated genome reader Virtual Geneticist. The newly designed platform is free to use and features a streamlined interface that allows users to enter basic clinical information and accompanying genomic data to receive a genomic interpretation report and rare disease diagnosis in minutes. VG's stripped-down landing page functions more like a Google search rather than requiring a cumbersome and complicated onboarding procedure, meaning it can be easily used as a tool to analyze new genomic testing data or double-check results from prior tests, especially for cases when no diagnostic variant was identified, Breakthrough said.
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