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Luminex Completes $75M Acquisition of MilliporeSigma's Flow Cytometry Portfolio

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Luminex said today that it has completed its previously announced acquisition of MilliporeSigma's flow cytometry portfolio for $75 million in combined purchases of stock, assets, and inventory.

The newly acquired flow cytometry portfolio includes Amnis imaging flow cytometry products for cell-based analysis and the Guava portfolio of products, which leverage microcapillary technology and are also used for cell-based analysis.

Homi Shamir, president and CEO of Luminex, said in a statement that the acquired Amnis and Guava products complement Luminex's range of flow-based products. "This acquisition enables us to enhance our existing offering of flow-based detection systems, while simultaneously expanding our direct interactions with researchers conducting cellular analysis," he said.

With the acquisition, Luminex has expanded its installed base of flow cytometry systems to more than 5,000.

The firm said it anticipates that the acquisition will contribute $40 million to $50 million to its revenue in 2019. It said previously that the total acquisition fee consists of about $69.9 million to be paid under a stock and asset purchase agreement and about $5.1 million in committed inventory purchases.