NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Genetic testing firm Kailos Genetics announced today that it has expanded its existing partnership with the US Department of Defense's Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office (CTTSO).
Under the terms of the agreement, Kailos will continue developing a laboratory and software solution for analysis and identification of genetic material, for the purposes of counter-terrorism.
"Through enriching and deeply sequencing DNA samples, we can uncover information to positively impact the work being done by federal investigative agencies," Kailos CSO Troy Moore said in a statement.
The DoD established the CTTSO in 1999, with a mission to "identify and develop capabilities to combat terrorism and irregular adversaries and to deliver these capabilities to DoD components and interagency partners."
Kailos, based at the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology in Huntsville, Alabama, said it reached several milestones set by the CTTSO to verify the credibility of its targeted genetic sequencing methods, including complete sequencing of hundreds of genetic samples, some of which had been genotyped by alternative methodologies.