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Interleukin Genetics, Isis Pharma Expand Drug Testing Collaboration

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Interleukin Genetics today announced an expansion of a collaboration to include a Phase I clinical study for Isis Pharmaceuticals' novel therapeutic ISIS-APO(a)-LRx. 

Interleukin will provide its testing kits, prepare DNA, run genotypes, and provide data for SNP genotypes for the IL-1 and lipoprotein(a) SNPs for Isis' study evaluating ISIS-APO(a)-LRx in healthy volunteers with elevated levels of Lp(a), an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The study is the second Isis clinical study to use Interleukin's genetic tests in a trial design, Interleukin said. 

In January, the firms announced a deal to incorporate Interleukin's genetic testing services for a Phase II clinical study evaluating ISIS-APO(a)Rx in patients with high levels of Lp(a).