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IntegraGen to Provide High-throughput Sequencing for Institut Pasteur

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – IntegraGen and Institut Pasteur today announced a deal to perform high-throughput sequencing in the microbiology field. 

Under the terms of the deal, IntegraGen will conduct sequencing for the National Reference Center and the microbiological collections at Institut Pasteur. Additionally, it will develop management software for use internally by the institute. 

The main objective is to increase access to the most recent sequencing technologies for the 15 NRCs and the institute's microbiology collections by establishing reference tools for typing bacterial, viral, and fungal strains, the partners said.   

IntegraGen CEO Bernard Courtieu said that the agreement allows the firm to expand its genomics business and grow its revenues, which saw a 12 percent uptick in 2014.