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Indivumed, Intermed Form Strategic Alliance

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Indivumed and medical logistics firm Intermed have signed a new strategic alliance, the two companies said today.

Under the terms of the agreement, Intermed is investing in Indivumed to support expansion of the firm's leading cancer database in Germany. In addition, Intermed will help distribute Indivumed's diagnostic tests through its partnership with the physician-managed laboratory network LADR Laborverbund.

Indivumed's cancer database includes unique patterns of RNA, DNA, and proteins as they exist in the human body, allowing for multi-omics studies of samples with relevant biologic and clinical information. Through its IndivuTest subsidiary, Indivumed also offers diagnostic services, including genomic analyses of tissue and blood to personalize therapy for cancer patients.

"We are very glad to receive logistical support for the expansion of our cancer database and, at the same time, be able to provide Central European-wide highly innovative diagnostic tests for personalized cancer medicine," Indivumed Founder and CEO Hartmut Juhl said in a statement.