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Genomics Plc Closes $30M Funding Round

NEW YORK – Genomics plc said Monday that it has completed a $30 million funding round.

Previous investors Foresight Capital and F-Prime Capital led the unnamed round, with participation from Oxford Sciences Innovation and Lansdowne Partners.

The Oxford, UK-based genome analysis company said it would use the proceeds to "expand its work" in the area of genomic prevention.

"This new approach to healthcare, called genomic prevention, can identify people at risk for developing each disease early, and is critical to driving more efficient screening and a prevention-first approach to healthcare. More successful disease prevention will improve patient lives and make healthcare systems more sustainable," Genomics Cofounder and CEO Peter Donnelly said in a statement.

Stephen Knight, president and managing partner of F-Prime Capital, said that Genomics works at the nexus of data sciences and life sciences. "The company's proprietary research platform powered by a large dataset of genotypic and phenotypic information, combined with the leading statistical genomics team in the world, deliver unique insights in the discovery of new therapeutic targets as well as key advancements in preventative healthcare," said Knight, a member of the Genomics board.

Genomics previously raised £33 million ($45.8 million) in a Series B round in late 2018.