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GenomeWeb Index Gains Slightly in July as Fluidigm, PerkinElmer, Bio-Rad Post Strong Increases

NEW YORK – After rising more than 9 percent in June, the GenomeWeb Index returned to more modest growth in July, gaining almost 5 percent.

The index outperformed the Dow Jones Industrial Average and Nasdaq, which each gained 1 percent in July, as well as the Nasdaq Biotechnology Index, which remained flat for the month. Individual stocks in the GenomeWeb Index saw changes in both directions in July, with 20 gaining and 15 losing in value.

Luminex was removed from the index as it stopped trading on July 13 after the closing of its acquisition by DiaSorin.

Fluidigm's shares gained the most in July, 20 percent, followed by PerkinElmer (+18 percent) and Bio-Rad Laboratories (+15 percent).

Like the previous month, Genetron saw the greatest decline among the index companies in July, with a 29 percent drop, followed by Burning Rock Biotech (-23 percent), Invitae (-17 percent), and Personalis (-17 percent).

Fluidigm's stock boost occurred toward the end of the month after a report by Bloomberg that the company had retained an adviser to explore a potential sale. Company officials declined to comment on the speculation. However, since the company's stock price is relatively low, the absolute gain was only $.75 per share.

PerkinElmer on July 26 reported a 51 percent year-over-year increase in revenue for the first quarter, and announced its intention to acquire antibody and reagent provider BioLegend for $5.25 billion in cash and stock. This news, at least in part, appears to explain the company's gain in July.

Bio-Rad also had a string of good news to report. On July 27, the company announced a settlement with 10x Genomics regarding a longstanding dispute around intellectual property in the area of single-cell genomics. In addition, the company reported a 33 percent increase in second quarter revenues on July 29.

It is not immediately clear what caused the drop of Genetron Holdings' stock in July, which happened around July 26. The company announced that day that the companion diagnostic kit it has developed with CStone Pharmaceuticals has entered the priority review and approval process under China's National Medical Products Administration. Three days later, the firm said it had partnered with Guizhou Province's Dafang County authorities on a liver cancer early screening project.

Burning Rock Biotech, Invitae, and Personalis had no significant news to report in July that might explain the decline of their stocks.

Company Ticker 30-Jul-21 30-Jun-21 % change
Adaptive Biotechnologies ADPT 36.66 40.86 -10.28
Agilent Technologies* A 153.23 147.81 3.67
Becton Dickinson BDX 255.75 243.19 5.16
Berkeley Lights BLI 45.58 44.81 1.72
Bio-Rad Laboratories BIO 739.51 644.29 14.78
Bio-Techne TECH 482.24 450.26 7.10
Bruker BRKR 82.25 75.98 8.25
Burning Rock Biotech BNR 22.78 29.46 -22.67
CareDx CDNA 84.04 91.52 -8.17
Castle Biosciences CSTL 69.85 73.33 -4.75
Danaher DHR 297.49 268.36 10.85
Exact Sciences EXAS 107.84 124.31 -13.25
Fluidigm FLDM 7.41 6.16 20.29
Fulgent Genetics FLGT 92.25 92.23 0.02
Genetron GTH 14.20 20.14 -29.49
Guardant Health GH 109.80 124.19 -11.59
Hologic HOLX 75.04 66.72 12.47
Illumina ILMN 495.75 473.21 4.76
Invitae NVTA 27.99 33.73 -17.02
Meridian Bioscience VIVO 20.50 22.18 -7.57
Myriad Genetics MYGN 31.63 30.58 3.43
NanoString Technologies NSTG 61.94 64.79 -4.40
Natera NTRA 114.52 113.53 0.87
NeoGenomics Laboratories NEO 46.10 45.17 2.06
Pacific Biosciences PACB 32.15 34.97 -8.06
Personalis PSNL 20.99 25.30 -17.04
PerkinElmer** PKI 182.23 154.41 18.02
Qiagen QGEN 52.79 48.38 9.12
Quanterix QTRX 53.15 58.66 -9.39
Quidel QDEL 141.47 128.12 10.42
Thermo Fisher Scientific TMO 540.01 504.47 7.05
Twist Bioscience TWST 123.05 133.25 -7.65
Veracyte VCYT 44.56 39.98 11.46
Waters WAT 389.81 345.61 12.79
10x Genomics TXG 183.23 195.82 -6.43
GenomeWeb Index Average   149.65 142.74 4.84


^Luminex was removed since its shares stopped trading on July 13 on the closing of its acquisition by DiaSorin.
*Agilent paid a dividend of $.194 per share on July 2.
**PerkinElmer paid a dividend of $.07 on July 15.