NEW YORK – Precision medicine firm Genetron Health and Chia Tai Tianqing Pharmaceutical Group have entered an exclusive strategic partnership to exclusively comarket and copromote Genetron's HCCscreen – a blood-based early screening test for liver cancer — in hospitals across designated territories in China.
The parties intend to target high-risk individuals for hepatocellular carcinoma, which include hepatitis B virus carriers, as well as other liver disease patients, using CTTQ's experienced sales force and hospital relationships.
"HCCscreen presents an attractive opportunity to us because of its target uses in high-risk individuals for the early detection of HCC," Eric Tse, chairman of CTTQ, said in a statement. "We believe that our specialty, capabilities, and network in the liver disease market represent a major sweet spot for this product. And more importantly, we are excited to introduce an innovative product that can potentially alleviate the heavy burden on liver cancer patients in China."
Under the terms of the agreement, Genetron will pay CTTQ a promotional fee based on a percentage of revenues generated from the collaboration. Contingent on certain sales and other requirements, the exclusivity period is expected to last three years.
According to Beijing-based Genetron, the agreement represents its third key commercialization initiative for HCCscreen in China, joining existing sales and marketing strategies through public health programs and medical examination centers.
"We expect this strategic partnership to bring us closer to our goal of lowering liver cancer-related death rates in China," said Sizhen Wang, co-founder and CEO of Genetron Health.