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Genetic Analysis Receives CE Mark for Microbiome Test on Luminex Magpix Instrument

NEW YORK – Microbiome diagnostic company Genetic Analysis said on Tuesday it has received CE marking for the GA-map Dysbiosis test for use on the Luminex Magpix instrument.

Oslo, Norway-based Genetic Analysis said launching the test kit on the Luminex platform provides access to the large number of labs that have already installed the Magpix and will increase the addressable market for the GA-map Dysbiosis test.

"This not only further strengthens our commercial reach and enables GA to capitalize on all labs that already have the Magpix system installed, but also give us an opportunity to offer a less costly option for customers that install the system for GA-map testing only," Genetic Analysis CEO Ronny Hermansen said in a statement.

"The addition of the CE-marked GA-map Dysbiosis Test kit will enable our Magpix customers to add microbiome testing to their current test portfolio," added Christoph Cordes, VP of Luminex's licensed technology group.

Luminex was acquired by DiaSorin last April.