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Fore Genomics, Inocras Launch Pediatric Genetic Health Screening, Newborn Sequencing Services

NEW YORK – Fore Genomics said Monday that it has entered into a strategic partnership with genetic analysis company Inocras to offer improved pediatric and newborn health screening services.

The partnership will incorporate Inocras' whole-genome sequencing and bioinformatics platform into Fore's pediatric screening services to improve early disease detection and diagnosis and medical care.

These services will be available through a provider-ordered at-home cheek swab test. Financial and other details of the partnership were not disclosed.

"We are excited to partner with Inocras to bring advanced genetic screening to more families and healthcare providers," Matthew Pelo, founder and CEO of Fore Genomics, said in a statement.

San Diego-based Fore Genomics launched its Foresite 360 newborn whole-genome sequencing test in 2023. The assay screens for over 300 manageable genetic diseases and assesses genetically determined responses to 40 types of medication.