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EMD Millipore Acquires Rights to Singulex's Life Science Research Business

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Singulex announced today that it has signed an agreement giving EMD Millipore, a unit of Germany's Merck KGaA, the rights to control and manage its life science research business, which includes the company's single-molecule counting (SMC) technology.

The SMC technology enables the detection of single molecules such as proteins and metabolites in complex biological samples. It is the basis for Singulex's research-use-only Erenna instrument, which can detect single molecules down to the femtogram level.

Under the new deal, EMD Millipore will have the exclusive rights to further develop and commercialize the SMC technology for research applications. In exchange, Singulex will receive an undisclosed upfront payment, royalties on product sales, and additional payments based on the achievement of certain commercial milestones.

Singulex retains the rights to the technology for use in its clinical lab testing and in vitro diagnostics businesses.

Additional terms of the arrangement were not disclosed.