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DNAnexus, Qiagen Partner to Offer Ingenuity Variant Analysis on Cloud

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – DNAnexus has signed an agreement with Qiagen to integrate Ingenuity Variant Analysis, Qiagen's variant interpretation solution, with its cloud-based genomics analysis platform.

The integration gives researchers cloud-based access to manually curated literature and analysis capabilities offered by Ingenuity Variant Analysis for linking biological phenotype to variants. Customers will be able to transfer variant files from the DNAnexus cloud into the Ingenuity platform automatically for annotation, interpretation, and reporting. Furthermore, researchers will be able to refer back to supporting information such as the mapped reads found in a BAM file on DNAnexus' platform, and view this data along with the variant data inside of a genome browser.

Representatives from both companies said in a statement that integrating their products enables them to offer a complete solution for analyzing raw sequence through to insights.

Also this week, DNAnexus announced a partnership with BioNano Genomics to provide access to IrysSolve, BioNano's whole-genome analysis algorithms and pipeline, on its cloud platform.