NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – DiaGenomi and biotech consulting firm Healthcare Economics have formed a joint venture to bring DiaGenomi's pathology-assisted MyRisq genetic tests to the North American market, the companies said today.
DiaGenomi, which has offices in the UK and in Slovenia, offers a number of tests that combine DNA analysis with information about lifestyle, medical history, and blood tests to provide a report with a personalized risk assessment for conditions such as cardiovascular disease, sports injury, or multiple sclerosis.
"This report includes important guidelines for the patient and for the patient’s doctor on how to mitigate the risk of acquiring certain medical conditions and recommendations for a 'personalized' approach to complement the patient’s genetic makeup," said Healthcare Economics Founder and CEO James Harris in a statement.
"Commercializing MyRisq genetic tests, based on our proprietary Pathology Assisted Technology, in the North American market is an opportunity for patients in North America to get exceptional genetic counseling with straight answers and guidance," added DiaGenomi Founder and CEO Klemen Spaninger.