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Deepcell, University of Zurich Partner to Study Melanoma Microenvironment

NEW YORK – Deepcell said Tuesday that it is collaborating with the University of Zurich's Levesque Lab in a study of the tumor microenvironment in melanomas.

Researchers will use Deepcell's rare cell isolation and analysis platform, which allows cells to be isolated based on morphological features rather than labeling or predefined biomarkers, to sort cells for downstream molecular analysis.

"Melanoma cells are difficult to isolate with conventional sorting methods because they lack reliable cell surface markers. By isolating and sorting cells using morphology, we may deepen our understanding of the biology of melanoma progression and, in particular, of cell phenotypes and molecular features of cancerous cells," Mitch Levesque, associate professor at the University of Zurich, said in a statement.

Financial terms were not disclosed.

Deepcell has said that it intends to build a broad academic partnership program and inked a similar research collaboration with investigators at the University of California, Los Angeles earlier this year.