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Cure Forward, Pharmatech Partner on Enrolling Patients in Cancer Clinical Trials

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Cancer CRO Pharmatech and clinical trials matchmaker Cure Forward announced recently a collaboration to connect more patients to cancer-related clinical trials.

The partners will optimize Cure Forward's Clinical Trial Exchange system with plans by Pharmatech to eventually use the platform to recruit patients in its trials.

"Accessing Cure Forward's patient community complements our innovative site deployment capabilities, so that our investigators can enroll eligible participants and complete their studies," Pharmatech CEO Rob Bohacs said in a statement. The firm said that it can establish clinical trial sites in as little as 10 days.

The partners will optimize Clinical Trial Exchange in an initial collaboration phase, after which Pharmatech will become a commercial user of the platform to recruit patients to its advanced clinical trials, the firms said.

Since June, Cambridge, Massachusetts-based Cure Forward has collaborated with Paradigm, Cynvenio Biosystems, and Synbiodx to incorporate diagnostic tests in its clinical trial matchmaking platform.