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Coimbra Genomics Raises €2.4M

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Digital health and precision medicine firm Coimbra Genomics announced today that it has secured a €2.4 million ($2.8 million) investment from Green Innovations.

The company said it would use the funds to accelerate the expansion of its Elsie platform — which is designed to allow doctors to use patients' genomic information to make prognostic and prescriptive decisions in the setting of a regular medical appointment — to international markets. According to Coimbra, the platform is currently used in Germany, Finland, Brazil, and Portugal.

"This is one more step in our commercial development path, with the ultimate objective of turning Elsie into the world-leading platform that carries reliable genomic information to the physician," Coimbra CEO Bruno Soares said in a statement.

Earlier this year, Coimbra announced that the Elsie platform would be used by a Portuguese hospital center to provide exome sequencing to its patients.