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Bruker Daltonics, AMRI, HighRes Biosolutions Collaborate on Mass Spec for Drug Discovery

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – AMRI has announced a strategic alliance with Bruker Daltonics and HighRes Biosolutions to implement new mass spectrometry technology in drug discovery.

AMRI, a contract research organization, will implement Bruker Daltonics' MALDI PharmaPulse system at its Integrated Drug Discovery Center. Under the terms of the alliance, Bruker Daltonics and HighRes will train and consult with AMRI researchers as they develop protocols for high-throughput screening in drug discovery.

"We see incredible potential for this technology at AMRI's Integrated Drug Discovery Center as this is the first technology to allow [mass spec]-based screening and analysis at the output required for cost-effective hit discovery," Christopher Conway, AMRI's senior VP of discovery and development services, said in a statement. "We will be better able to develop protocols using AMRI's novel, label-free screening assays and extend the utility of the MALDI PharmaPulse technology to complex cell-based assays for the identification of potential new drugs to meet a variety of unmet needs."

The MALDI PharmaPulse systems combine Bruker's MALDI-TOF mass spectrometers with HighRes robotics and software. The firms said the system is able to screen more than 10,000 samples per day in Hit discovery mode. AMRI added that it will look to run 100,000 samples per day using the system.

AMRI has also partnered with PerkinElmer on drug discovery.