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In Brief This Week: Pacific Biosciences; Epigenomics; Cynvenio Biosystems; and More

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) — Pacific Biosciences announced this week that it has reached the final developmental milestone of its commercialization and licensing agreement with Roche. The agreement, originally announced in September, entitles Roche to commercialize and sell clinical diagnostics products developed by PacBio based on the company's Single Molecule, Real Time technology. With the final milestone achieved, Roche has paid PacBio an additional $20 million.

 Epigenomics announced last week that it will appeal the US Food and Drug Administration's request for additional information on the company's blood-based colorectal cancer screening test, Epi proColon, which it submitted for premarket approval (PMA). Epigenomics says the information it has already provided should be enough to gain approval for the test under its PMA application.

 Cynvenio Biosystems has inked a collaboration deal with the Institute of Regional Health Research for the Region of Southern Denmark at the University of Southern Denmark. The university will use Cynvenio's Triple Play LiquidBiopsy platform to analyze the gene expression of circulating tumor cells and monitor patients for real-time response to treatment.

 SomaLogic announced this week that its CLIA laboratory has been accredited by the College of American Pathologists, and has been registered with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

 3M Food Safety said this week that its 3M Molecular Detection Assay 2-Listeria has been validated by the AOAC Performance Tested Methods program for the detection of Listeria in a variety of foods and environments. The assay is based on isothermal DNA amplification and bioluminescence detection for faster, simpler, and more accurate testing.

 DNA Electronics announced today that it plans to relocate its US operations from Albuquerque, New Mexico, to San Diego, California. The move is expected to be completed by the end of 2016. DNAe also plans to expand its headcount from 29 to 50, and to build a clinical diagnostics manufacturing facility as well as clinical testing labs.

 In Brief This Week is a selection of news items that may be of interest to our readers but had not previously appeared on the GenomeWeb site.