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In Brief This Week: Exact Sciences, Centogene, NY Structural Biology Center, Syncell

NEW YORK - Exact Sciences said this week that the National Cancer Institute has chosen the company as a participant in a precision medicine initiative called ComboMATCH. As a ComboMATCH-designated lab, Exact will use its recently launched OncoExTra test, a comprehensive next-generation sequencing assay, to analyze tumor tissue and paired normal blood samples from patient participants. Funded by the NCI, ComboMATCH involves an initial registration trial, which serves as the gateway to a set of clinical trials evaluating new anti-cancer treatment combinations directed by NGS testing in select groups of adults and children with locally advanced or advanced cancer.

Centogene said this week that it has received notification from the Nasdaq of non-compliance with the minimum market value of publicly held shares (MVPHS) rule for continued listing on the exchange because its MVPHS fell below $15 million for 30 consecutive business days. The German molecular diagnostics firm now has until Feb. 26, 2024 to regain compliance by obtaining a MVPHS of at least $15 million for 10 consecutive business days. If it does not regain compliance, the firm will be notified that its securities are subject to delisting. In July, the company had already regained compliance with the MVPHS requirement once after failing to meet it in June.

The New York Structural Biology Center (NYSBC) and Syncell, a Taiwanese life science tools company specializing in microscopy-guided proteomics, have partnered to create the Optoproteomics Center of Excellence. The new center will be part of the NYSBC's Proteomics Core and will feature Syncell's Microscoop platform, a spatial proteomic system that captures proteins from specific subcellular structures in cells or tissue samples. NYSBC users will be able to perform location-specific protein isolation with the Microscoop platform, and the mass spectrometry facility of the NYSBC Proteomics Core will then determine the proteome of the isolated proteins, enabling high-precision spatial proteomic discovery, the partners said. The identified proteome will allow researchers to hypothesize and test which protein-protein interactions might be present, they added.

In Brief This Week is a selection of news items that may be of interest to our readers but had not previously appeared on GenomeWeb.