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Bio-Rad Makes Equity Investment in Genetic Analysis

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Bio-Rad Laboratories has announced a partnership with Genetic Analysis, an Oslo, Norway-based clinical diagnostics firm focusing on the microbiome.

Under the terms of the agreement, Bio-Rad will make an equity investment in Genetic Analysis. In return, it will receive commercialization rights in certain undisclosed territories for Genetic Analysis' CE-marked GA-map technology to detect microbial imbalances, also known as gut dysbiosis, the firms said in a statement.

Financial and other details were not disclosed.

Genetic Analysis launched in 2008 based on research performed by Knut Rudi, a professor at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. Gut dysbiosis is associated with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and other chronic gastrointestinal diseases. GA-map fecal sample testing technology can be used in the diagnosis and management of IBD and irritable bowel syndrome, the firms said.

"We believe that this collaboration will accelerate the penetration of the GA tests into routine healthcare as the importance of the microbiome in major diseases becomes increasingly recognized," Genetic Analysis CEO Ronny Hermansen said in a statement. Bio-Rad CEO Norman Schwartz added that his firm could use GA-map to offer products for microbiome analysis.