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Asia Genomics, CellMax Partner on Cancer Dx in Southeast Asia

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Clinical laboratory Asia Genomics and CellMax Life today announced a partnership making CellMax's cancer diagnostic tests available throughout Southeast Asia.

Asia Genomics is making the tests available immediately through hospitals and clinics throughout the region, and, "where appropriate," direct to consumers, the partners said. CellMax's menu of tests include the CellMax-DNA Genetic Cancer Risk Test, a saliva-based DNA test that interrogates 98 genes across 25 hereditary cancers. The test provides information on cancers common in Southeast Asia, including lung, liver, colorectal, prostate, and stomach cancers, as well as bladder, lip, pancreatic, breast, ovarian, and other cancers.

CellMax also offers the CellMax-CRC Protect Test, a blood-based test for early warning of colorectal cancer.

Financial and other terms of the deal were not disclosed.

"CellMax Life is bringing early, noninvasive DNA and CTC-based cancer detection and management via affordable, accessible, accurate cancer saliva and blood tests," CellMax President and CEO Atul Sharan said in a statement. Asia Genomics' "priority on making next-generation cancer diagnostics that work for Asians highly accessible makes them an ideal fit for our vision."