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ARUP, ASI Collaborate to Optimize Image Analysis for Digital Pathology

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Applied Spectral Imaging said today that it is teaming up with ARUP Laboratories to develop and commercialize advanced digital pathology solutions with the aim of making pathology, cytogenetics, and research lab workflows more efficient.

As part of a multi-year strategic collaboration, the companies will develop image quality and analysis algorithms that resolve bottlenecks and make it easier for lab workers to manage and access clinical data, ASI said. The imaging platform could transform the way pathologists deliver professional services from remote locations, the firm added.

As a result of the collaboration, ASI will also be able to provide an imaging solution to its customer base that best supports fluorescent in situ hybridization and brightfield workflows, ASI CEO Limor Shiposh said in a statement.

Mohamed Salama, ARUP's chief of hematopathology, added that the national reference laboratory is seeing increasing volumes of pathology samples that require advanced workflow efficiencies, as well as creative data management and accessibility solutions.