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AmberGen Receives Strategic Investment from Bruker

NEW YORK – Life science firm AmberGen said late Friday that it has received a strategic investment from Bruker.

Watertown, Massachusetts-based AmberGen has developed a set of imaging reagents for MALDI mass spectrometry-based immunohistochemistry. Called Miralys Spatial Biology Imaging Reagents, they use peptide code photocleavable mass tags to enable high levels of multiplexing (up to roughly 100 proteins per experiment) across fresh frozen and formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue sections as large as 25 mm by 75 mm.

The Miralys reagents are currently in beta release.

"The MALDI-MS tissue imaging community has long expressed a desire to spatially map targeted proteins, together with glycans, lipids, drugs, and their metabolites, where MALDI has found widespread utility using a label-free approach," Michael Easterling, director of imaging for Bruker's life science mass spectrometry division, said in a statement. "The innovative photocleavable peptide code mass tag technology developed by AmberGen for labeling proteins of interest is a perfect combination for large field-of-view, multiomic, and multimodal spatial tissue biology applications."

“The Miralys MALDI-IHC platform provides the life sciences market with very high multiplexed, multiomic, and multimodal imaging capabilities for understanding the complex mechanisms of disease and response to pharmaceutical treatment," AmberGen Founder and Executive Chairman Kenneth Rothschild said in a statement. "This strategic investment by Bruker will accelerate the introduction of the Miralys spatial biology approach to a wide variety of researchers and catalyze progress in critical areas such as tissue pathology research and drug development."

The size of Bruker's strategic investment was not disclosed.