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Akadeum, NanoCellect Biomedical Partner to Enhance Rare-Cell Workflows

NEW YORK – Akadeum has partnered with NanoCellect Biomedical to enhance rare-cell workflows, including improving the accuracy and reliability of measurements of certain types of cells.

The team will integrate Ann Arbor, Michigan-based Akadeum's Buoyancy Activated Cell Sorting technology with San Diego-based NanoCellect's Wolf cell-sorting platform to provide customers improved cell isolation, analysis, gentleness, and rare-cell sorting efficiency to single-cell workflows.

The firms aim to enable high-quality single-cell sequencing by first performing gentle cell enrichment using Akadeum's microbubbles, followed by high-precision selection of the targeted cells using NanoCellect's Wolf cell sorter. Users can then load the cells into a microplate for downstream applications and sequencing.

"NanoCellect is focusing on delivering a simple and flexible benchtop cell sorting solution for lab scientists," Jose Morachis, president and cofounder of NanoCellect, said in a statement. "Combining pre-enrichment with Akadeum microbubble technology and gentle cell sorting with the Wolf [instrument] expands the breadth of sample types that can be analyzed, while increasing the cell-sorting efficiency for immune oncology applications."