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Agilent Technologies Acquires Luxcel Biosciences

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Agilent Technologies announced today that it has acquired Luxcel Biosciences, a developer of real-time fluorescence plate reader-based in vitro cell assay kits.

Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed.

Agilent noted that the acquisition will expand its cell analysis portfolio. Luxcel is developing in vitro cell-based assay kits and products targeting cell metabolism, drug safety and toxicity, and hypoxia and oxidative stress for customers from research institutions and pharmaceutical companies. The technology is used to elucidate the roll of cell metabolism in cancer, metabolic disorders, cardiovascular disease, immunology, and infectious diseases.

"Technological advancements allowing researchers to examine cell health and function kinetically and in real-time are driving global demand for complete cell analysis solutions," Todd Christian, general manager of Agilent's cell analysis division, said in a statement. "Luxcel's assay kits are optimized for standard fluorescent plate readers for broad customer application helping to address this growing demand."

Agilent entered the cell analysis market in 2015 with the acquisition of Seahorse Bioscience. "Luxcel is highly complementary to our Seahorse offerings," Christian added. "With this acquisition, we further extend our leadership in live-cell, kinetic assays accelerating our expansion into pharmaceutical and biopharma discovery and in vitro toxicology screening applications."