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Aegis Sciences Acquires MDx Firm Diagnovus

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Aegis Sciences has acquired molecular diagnostics firm Diagnovus for an undisclosed amount, the companies said today.

Diagnovus, based in Nashville, Tenn., has developed a suite of oncology and gastroenterology tests using a range of technologies, including PCR, next-generation sequencing, and gene expression analysis. In addition, it offers clinical trial, bioinformatics, and other clinical services on a variety of technology platforms.

Aegis, also based in Nashville, is a toxicology laboratory that specializes in forensic and healthcare services.

Aegis' Founder, Chairman, and CEO David Black said in a statement that the Diagnovus acquisition would enable Aegis to expand its healthcare laboratory testing services. "The delivery of patient-specific genetic information to physicians will improve management of disease and prescribing of necessary medication," Black said.

Diagnovus' current offerings include a real-time PCR Barrett's esophagus cancer risk test, a gene expression test to diagnose eosinophilic esophagitis, and a buccal swab pharmacogenetic test.

"Aegis' reputation and client base will allow us to offer our developed molecular diagnostic testing services to a much larger patient population," Diagnovus President and Co-founder James Stover said in a statement.